
Krishna Agarwal

Group Leader & Associate Professor at UiT

#ComputationalMicroscopy #InverseProblems


Dilip K. Prasad

Group Leader & Associate Professor at UiT

#A.I. #ScalableLearning #InterpretableLearning 


Matteo Bregonzio

Head of Research & Development at 3rdPLACE​

#ProjectManagement #MachineLearning #ComputerVision #A.I. #SoftwareDevelopment #BigData #CloudArchitect

Shivani Bhardwaj

Project Manager

Francesco Dello Vicario

Intern Data Scientist at 3rdPlace

#MachineLearning #ComputerVision #A.I. #SoftwareDevelopment #BigData #CloudArchitect

Leone De Marco

Data Scientist at 3rdPlace

#MachineLearning #ComputerVision #A.I. #SoftwareDevelopment #BigData #CloudArchitect

Aisada Koenig

Applications Development Director

#SystemCellImaging #OpticalCellReprogramming #Nanosurgery #MultiphotonMicroscopy #MultiphotonTomography #Transfection #Second-harmonicGeneration #Autofluorescence #Label-freeImaging #FluorescenceLifetimeImaging

Marti Duocastella Sola

Group Leader & Associate Professor at UB

#Three-dimensionalMicroscopy #Acousto-optofluidics #Fast imaging #LightScattering


Åsa B. Birgisdottir

Project Leader at University Hospital of North Norway & Associate professor at UiT

#MolecularBiology #Autophagy #Mitochondria #CardiacCells 


Dipanjan Bhattacharya

Senior Research Fellow and Head of Microscopy, at the University of Southampton

#Microscopy #Spectroscopy #Mechanobiology #Label-free chemical imaging #Raman imaging #CARS imaging #DigitalImageProcessing #DigitalPathology #DeepLearning-basedSegmentation&Applications

Florian Weinberger

Group Leader at the Department of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology at UKE

#CardiovascularPharmacology #RegenerativeMedicine #StemCells #TissueEngineering


Giulia De Poli

Data Scientist at 3rdPlace

#MachineLearning #ComputerVision #A.I. #SoftwareDevelopment #BigData #CloudArchitect

Nancy Samy

PhD student at UKE

#CellCycleActivity #CardiacRegeneration #EngineeredTissue #ConfocalImaging

Ayush Somani

PhD Fellow at UiT

#A.I. #InterpretableLearning #BiomedicalImaging

Himanshu Buckchash

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

#Collective dynamic modeling #Self-supervised learning #Sub-cellular event modeling

Iqra Qasim

PhD fellow at UiT

#MachineLearning #NLP #CellActivityAnalysis

Sumeet Mahajan

Professor of Molecular Biophotonics the University of Southampton

#Label-free-spectroscopy #Raman-imaging #CARS-imaging #Drug-discovery-application #Neurodegenerative-diseases-Application #Anti-Microbial-Resistance-Application

Abhinanda Ranjit Punnakkal

Ph.D. Student at UiT

#ShapeModelling #MachineLearning

Suyog S. Jadhav

Senior Engineer at IFI

#NanoAI #BioAI #LLMs #BigData #ComputerVision #SoftwareDevelopment

Zhong Yu

Adjunct Associate Professor

#Computational inverse problems associated with physical wavefields.
#Physical wavefields modeling with complex media.
#Biomedical/biological imaging.
#Non-destructive testing.

Christos Alexandropoulos

PhD student at Universitat de Barcelona

#High-speed imaging #Quantitative phase microscopy

Yingying Qin

Postdoctoral research fellow

#computational imaging  #inverse scattering

Deanna Wolfson

Group Leader and Researcher at UiT

#Superresolution #Microscopy #Fluorescence #Label-free

Rohit Agarwal

Ph.D. at the Department of Computer Science

#AI #Scalable AI #Haphazard Inputs

Gustav Godtliebsen

Ph.D. Student at UiT

#Mitochondria #Biological imaging #Microscopy